Communities & Support
Everyone needs a support system. Sometimes it might seem more difficult to find the support you need for diabetes.
Diabetes can feel burdensome, as it comes with many stressors, decisions, and never takes breaks. It’s so important to have a support system to rely on when things get tough.
Finding a Support System
It is important stay connected with others. Unfortunately, sometimes our lives don’t have as much face time as we need. Luckily, there are countless resources online that are easy to connect with! Facebook has a tremendous amount of resources available on its platform for individuals with diabetes looking for a support system. Iowans with Diabetes is a wonderful community that offers tips, tricks, advice about diabetes and a safe space for questions!
Beyond Facebook
Outside of social media there are great groups as well. One group is the American Diabetes Association Community. Their website allows for memberships in various communities based on your interests and or concerns. TuDiabetes is another great resource. TuDiabetes has a focus on mental health, which is a huge part of diabetes and overall well-being. Another online community is the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, which is focused on those with type one diabetes andcreating virtual connections with people all over the world.
Face-to-Face Support
There are also in-person support groups–some of which are great for children, like Camp Hertko Hollow! This camp is tailored for children with diabetes. They get to spend time together doing really fun activities, such as archery, fishing, rock climbing, horseback riding, and more! You can also search for in-person diabetes support groups in Iowa through the The Iowa Compass site.
Connection is Key
There are many ways to connect with other people with diabetes or those affected by diabetes. From Facebook groups to in-person communities, everyone is bound to find a group of people that will support them. Find the community that fits you best!
Having a strong sense of community is so important when it comes to managing your diabetes! Whether it be a Facebook group, online support group, or face-to-face support, those are the kinds of things that can really help when you get in a diabetes rut.
Disclaimer Statement: This is for educational purposes only and not intended as medical advice. For individual medical advice, contact your healthcare practitioner.